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View pumpkin3at3r's timeline, last visit on December 19th 2011

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Featured art


Nyse Cursors (34 cursors)

Released on February 22nd 2011 by pumpkin3at3r

A nice cursor set, with mixed static and animated cursors.

Latest art

Nyse TeaserNyse Cursors
by pumpkin3at3r821A nice cursor set, with mixed static and animated cursors.
Trio TeaserTrio Cursors
by pumpkin3at3r1994Some static, some animated cursors based on a trio construction.
Zenyth TeaserZenyth Cursors
by pumpkin3at3r839A simple cursor set with some glowing animated cursors.
Glow TeaserGlow Cursors
by pumpkin3at3r1919A simple colorful glowing cursor set. Taste the rainbow.

Forum topics, where pumpkin3at3r participated

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Recent comments

user icon JDDellGuy contributing user on February 26th 2011

You have a nice, simplistic, unique style. Keep up the good work! :-)

user icon Anonymous on March 3rd 2011

wow, I like it, ... come on you can do it even better, I know you know. Sz.A. :-)

user icon Tails the fox registered user on March 15th 2011

TRUEicon-image/4609-16x16x32.png image

user icon Anonymous
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?