FrogCursors's profile

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FrogCursors's profile

View FrogCursors's timeline, last visit on January 28th 2008

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about the website: games + videos, collaborative effort between me and a peer. Soon, users will be able to submit their own content. This function is currently disabled for simplicity.

Latest art

BluPoint TeaserBluPoint Cursors
by FrogCursors3130A set of blue cursors with nice shading. For High Res Monitors. A lot...
Dark Aero TeaserDark Aero Cursors
by FrogCursors9374An attempt at making a dark version of Vista Aero type cursors. The l...
BlueweatherTheme TeaserBlueweatherTheme Cursors
by FrogCursors8454A Cursor set based on snow, ice, lightning.
Froggle Leaf Theme TeaserFroggle Leaf Theme Cursors
by FrogCursors7150Please use these cursor for private use only. They are cursors based ...

Forum topics, where FrogCursors participated

Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on May 4th


user icon Anonymous
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...
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