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spiderkid's profile

View spiderkid's timeline, last visit on May 11th 2012

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user icon HcNguyen111 registered user on December 11th 2011

I see that you have used my Assassin's Creed Cursor without permission. I would appreciate it if you put me as the author or at least have the courtesy of mentioning my name in your Cursor Pack as clearly this is my cursor. Like the Site Administrator said, a mention of me as the original author is required.

user icon Anonymous on April 5th 2012

man, I came here to thank him for the Assassin's creed cursor but.....wrong guy I guess? Geez, there's a thing called copyright you know.

user icon Anonymous on September 27th 2015

thnx man im using this in my youtube (well im going to) keep it up (i like green [my favorite colour])

user icon Anonymous on August 6th 2020

Para-Béns :-D :-D :-D

user icon Anonymous on June 21st 2021

I loved the purple morado cursor but can you make a 3d white cursor?

user icon Anonymous on January 23rd 2023

Hi I love the yellow on can you make the light yellow cursor

:-D I luv it

user icon Anonymous on August 14th 2023

how can i get into contact with you (the creator of the "3D Purple/Morado Cursors" cursor pack) i want to give you the location and person cursor files, i made them myself and i think you'll like them

user icon Anonymous on January 28th

Hello, is there any possibility to create a 3d-Cursor in cyan color? Congratulations on the projects, they are incredible.

user icon Targarin registered user on January 28th

Hello, is there any possibility to create a 3d-Cursor in cyan color? Congratulations on the projects, they are incredible.

user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background
What about ICL files?