Bubbles's profile

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Bubbles's profile

View Bubbles's timeline, last visit on January 15th 2012

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I have 2 cats 1 called Treacle and 1 Called Toffee. Treacle is black with green eyes and Toffee is white, black and brown with green eyes. I have a mum, dad and 2 brothers called Alex and Luke (my step brother) I'm 9 and my fave colour is yellow my fave song is sk8ter boi by Avril Lavigne and Swagger Jagger by Cher Lloyd and my fave animal is a cat.

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user icon Anonymous on January 19th 2012

i love cats!! :-)

user icon Anonymous on December 14th 2015

I hate cats :-o

user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?
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