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View Dzar's timeline, last visit on November 19th 2011

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Silver Cross Cursors (17 cursors)

Released on November 13th 2011 by Dzar

"A silver crossbow that has been enchanted with holy properties."

Edit 1: The cursor set was made using Gimp, so there may be problems. I would like to make them semi-transparent, but it doesn't seem to save them properly. Any ideas?

Edit 2: The semi-transparency didn't work out; it might be due to the colors used. However, there are no more blurry edges in the Windows 7 preview screen. The updated ones have "rw" after them.

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Silver Cross TeaserSilver Cross Cursors
by Dzar2041"A silver crossbow that has been enchanted with holy properties." Edi...

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I wish there were...
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