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View SoaringEagle789's timeline, last visit on October 15th 2016

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Birds of a feather make icons and cursors together.

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Thanksgiving Cursors (15 cursors)

Released on November 25th 2015 by SoaringEagle789

NOTE: This set was uploaded for the Theme of the Month. The theme of November was fire and orange.

Wow, I haven't done a set in a long time...

Hey, guys. It's me, Chief RedFeather, previously known as SoaringEagle789. Since my Minecraft cursor set, I decided this year that I wanted to change my style. Rather than taking pictures from the internet that didn't belong to me, as sixaxis and cdl have previously criticized me for, I've decided to draw my own images, but with my own shading and animation, so I don't look lazy just throwing in a bevel, animated fire, animated clock, or spinning frame effect and whatnot. I haven't really gotten used to Unicorn 3D yet, so this was the best I could draw. I hope you like my effort here, and I hope to improve as time goes by.

It's Thanksgiving month, everybody! Celebrate the occasion with cursors of turkey, pumpkins, leaves, and feathers! Happy Turkey Day, and make sure not to stuff yourself too much!

-Chief RedFeather

Latest art

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by SoaringEagle7893575NOTE: This set was uploaded for the Theme of the Month. The theme of ...
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user icon Vlazteron registered user on November 16th 2019

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user icon Anonymous on June 15th 2020


user icon not used anymore registered user on August 17th 2020

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Nice art! 8-)

user icon Vlazteron registered user on September 22nd 2020

If you are wondering how people make 3d icons, they use Unicorn3D!

user icon Annoying Orange registered user on August 30th 2022

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user icon ツ☪ spunch_bop♡♥ registered user on November 10th 2022

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nice art icon-image/24236-16x16x32.png image

user icon ツ☪ spunch_bop♡♥ registered user on February 2nd 2023

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ascii art 8-)

user icon astro.mp3 registered user on July 13th 2023

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user icon Anonymous on January 22nd

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Bro you're like in your 20s now. It's crazy seeing these old users who started using this website as children or teens but haven't been on here for YEARS and are adults now. Maybe someday awesome people like yourself could return if you remember your passwords or something. |—) :-) Best of luck in the real world for you, man.

user icon Mr. X registered user on March 7th

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Agreed Anon

user icon Anonymous
Vista & Win 7 icons
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