Icon Set - Outer Space

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Outer Space Icons

Outer Space
  • Published on July 1st 2012 by .
  • Released under the Attribution+NonCommercial (CC by-nc) license.
1.7 out of 5 stars. (3 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

This is my first icon set. They were made with the online Image-to-icon Converter.

I do not own these images. All credit goes to the people who own them.


by SoaringEagle789

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Recent reviews and comments

user icon Virum64 registered user on July 5th 2012

4 out of 5 stars.

Good icon set. But you should remove the background on the "Earth" and the "Moon" icons.

user icon SoaringEagle789 registered user on July 6th 2012

oh. oops. sorry, i don't have rw icon editor. i want to free up disk space, so i didn't download it. i used the icon composer intead.

user icon SoaringEagle789 registered user on July 11th 2012

ok well i downloaded the icon editor now.

btw, vlasta, i was pretty amazed to see that the "batch" icon was a windmill. i'm really obsessed with windmills now! actually i'm addictied to 3 things:

-hot air balloons

if someone could make a cursor and icon set with all those objects, i will be pleased.

user icon SYNTHCRѺ contributing user on July 28th 2012

0.5 out of 5 stars.

I like the Moon, it looks very realistic. You need to remove the background on the Moon and Earth icons.


user icon cdl contributing user on March 4th 2013

0.5 out of 5 stars.

I see you figured out how to change your screen name color in here...

why did you not crop these and remove the borders?

okay I do see now that you are using work from another person..
you should not place work that is not yours within the Public Domain it is actually illegal to take someone's work without permission and then place it in the Public Domain offering it for free to all when it was not yours to do such with. This will not keep you free of criticism or litigation as doing this does infringe upon the creator's rights. Unless the images already reside within the public domain.

user icon SoaringEagle789 registered user on January 12th 2014


user icon SYNTHCRѺ contributing user on April 16th 2014

0.5 out of 5 stars.

cdl has a point, you should change the licence on this set.

user icon Anonymous