's profile

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user icon's profile

View's timeline, last visit on April 29th 2020

Contact card

Name:Deann Walter

I don't work anymore, I stay home to be a servant to two cats. Kidding, I have MS and it was better for my health to stop working. However since I know who to do pretty much anything web related I still seem to be doing work from home for friends. I have 3 other websites of my own, and 2 others that I have for people with MS use. One page is used to train neurologists, nurees, etc. at Maryland University.

Latest art

Girly Folders (2/2) TeaserGirly Folders (2/2) Icons
by deann.walter4871Purple Folders part 1 / Purple Folders part 2
Girly Folders (1/2) TeaserGirly Folders (1/2) Icons
by deann.walter6939Purple Folders part 1 / Purple folders part 2
Adobe Master Collection CS3 TeaserAdobe Master Collection CS3 Icons
by deann.walter1984My try at making the icons for Adobe CS3 look better than the squares...

Forum topics, where participated

Recent comments

user icon yetsu83 registered user on June 25th 2019

Is there any way you could make a purple icon folder for 'This PC' and 'Network'?

user icon Anonymous on March 14th 2021

Hi, My Name is Liza and i'm from Indonesia. I love your design <3. Btw my fav color is lilac so i download your icons and really love it. Thankyou and have a nice day ^__^

user icon Anonymous on September 26th 2024

Thanks, Deann!!!

user icon Anonymous
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I wish there were...
What about ICL files?
Vista & Win 7 icons