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View JdP's timeline, last visit on January 25th 2022

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i make cursors for fun. pixel by pixel.

Featured art


bars animation Cursors (5 cursors)

Released on July 29th 2013 by JdP

recreated the mouse to look cool when it loads and whatever, do what you want with each animation

Latest art

bars animation Teaserbars animation Cursors
by JdP536recreated the mouse to look cool when it loads and whatever, do what ...
Red Glow Effect TeaserRed Glow Effect Cursors
by JdP867these pointers have some cool effects on the animations and glow red,...
Usable Everyday TeaserUsable Everyday Cursors
Water Theme TeaserWater Theme Cursors
by JdP1738When your computer is "working in the background," an animation will ...
Funky Black & White TeaserFunky Black & White Cursors
by JdP275this is a full set made to look like apple's default cursor with funk...
Black&Green Theme TeaserBlack&Green Theme Cursors
by JdP352includes all the things you need for a full set of pointers. there ar...
Basic Red TeaserBasic Red Cursors
by JdP162additional basic pointers
Green&White Hand Pointers TeaserGreen&White Hand Pointers Cursors
by JdP356Based off of my Red&White set. this time, its green.
Red&White Hand Pointers TeaserRed&White Hand Pointers Cursors
by JdP830If you love the hand pointers used as a windows default for link sele...

Forum topics, where JdP participated

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Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on March 20th 2013


user icon Phantom registered user on January 27th 2022

Nice Sets!
You published these when I was in like 1st grade and younger.
Great Work!

user icon Anonymous
What about ICL files?
Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
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