OMCE's profile

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OMCE's profile

View OMCE's timeline, last visit on October 1st 2017

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I am an American, and I found this website by stumbling upon it on an Internet Search. I've heard many good things about it, so I joined.

My name is Jack, which is pretty ordinary :/ for a boy like me. I don't spend much time indoors and I love playing basketball. Due to my height, I have many vantages. :P

Featured art


Foreign and Native Cars Icons (12 icons)

Released on January 4th 2014 by OMCE

I know Vlasta; the site owner, did this quite a while back. I want to reintroduce the idea by adding much more icons. Some American, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Germanic, Italian types of car logos.

Latest art

Certain Emoticons TeaserCertain Emoticons Icons
by OMCE394These emoticons can be used on the forum, but I don't care if you use...
Foreign and Native Cars TeaserForeign and Native Cars Icons
by OMCE1930I know Vlasta; the site owner, did this quite a while back. I want to...

Forum topics, where OMCE participated

Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on January 16th 2014

so one day I was like :OO omg omgogm I found a cursor that actually fits on my mouse, and 2nd day I was like OMG OMGOMG OMCE IS THE BEST USERNAME EVAR, YOU MADE MY MIND EXPLODEEEEEEEEEE FOR REALLL TTYL( TALK TO YOU LATER)

hay Your name is so sexy 8-) 8-) 8-)

user icon Anonymous
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Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?