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View trashguts's timeline, last visit on May 4th 2020

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Pokemon Menu Sprites Cursors (17 cursors)

Released on December 18th 2019 by trashguts

Cute little cursor set made with Pokemon menu sprites, which I got from Bulbapedia! I've been using this set for years, I hope yall like it too. :]

Feel free to swap the Starly and Pidgey if you want, it might be more logical that way. Starly's just the default cause she's my favorite lol.

If anyone has any requests for additions/alternatives, let me know & I'll add them when I have the chance!

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Pokemon Menu Sprites TeaserPokemon Menu Sprites Cursors
by trashguts1193Cute little cursor set made with Pokemon menu sprites, which I got fr...

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