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View zaqovt's timeline, last visit on April 12th 2018

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Updated Predator Cursors (6 cursors)

Released on July 15th 2011 by zaqovt

Updated Predator set

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Updated Predator TeaserUpdated Predator Cursors
by zaqovt1182Updated Predator set
Predator TeaserPredator Cursors
by zaqovt3703Based on Predator.
Halloween TeaserHalloween Icons
by zaqovt1396Some Halloween related icons...
Eye TeaserEye Icons
by zaqovt1330Different colored eyeballs and different colored eyeballs with a nail...
Scythe TeaserScythe Cursors
by zaqovt2151I created a 3d scythe for a Halloween project in animation class, now...
Subliminal Message TeaserSubliminal Message Cursors
by zaqovt1202These two cursors have subliminal messages, one regular cursor, one t...
Windows Aero Black And Red TeaserWindows Aero Black And Red Cursors
by zaqovt33kThis was a requested cursor, so I made it. Aero cursor black with red...
Biohazard TeaserBiohazard Cursors
by zaqovt6535Four different colored biohazard symbols and one that inverts pixel c...
Inverted 2 TeaserInverted 2 Cursors
by zaqovt293All of the cursors I have so far that invert pixels.
inverted_1 Teaserinverted_1 Cursors
by zaqovt1726there are only 3 cursors, the insides of them invert the pixels on yo...

Show all icon and cursor sets.

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Recent comments

user icon Microchip55 registered user on June 2nd 2009


user icon Anonymous on May 29th 2010

Wow! How did you get a cursor to invert pixels? These are awesome!

user icon Anonymous on August 10th 2010


user icon Anonymous
Select background
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?
Vista & Win 7 icons