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DarkMagicGamerOP's profile

View DarkMagicGamerOP's timeline, last visit on August 11th 2016

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Name:Dylan Wright

I love the neon Blue and Neon Green they are my most favorite colors that I could ever possible like. I also like to make different kinds of things that has to do with either computer parts or computer programing. I can Do a lot of things when it comes to using computers.
If you would like to learn how to do some awesome fun things with or for your computer feel free to message me and ill be glad to show you what I have learned over the 8 years that I've been doing these things.

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user icon The Male Boss registered user on August 1st 2016

2016 theme of the month contest here

user icon Anonymous
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I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?