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View SK's timeline, last visit on October 21st 2016

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Hey, guys! I'm just an ordinary person with ordinary life but with EXTRAORDINARY THOUGHTS!!!

Enjoy mah customized cursors will ya?

Latest art

Water Melon_Fruit Edition TeaserWater Melon_Fruit Edition Cursors
by SK4857Refreshing Water melon cursor just for Summer-lovers! [Other fruits s...
ZolaMan_Boy TeaserZolaMan_Boy Cursors
by SK677ZOLA MAN the Korean Stick-man! Do get this little guy and check out m...
SmileyCute TeaserSmileyCute Cursors
by SK647Cute white smiley with red ribbons! Please leave a review and a comme...
IDEAS [3 choices] TeaserIDEAS [3 choices] Cursors
by SK577Jelly beans, Macaroon, and minty candy~ [Please pick which is the bes...
Bunny_brown TeaserBunny_brown Cursors
by SK1962Fluffy brown bunny! Take them as your desktop pet! You won't be able ...
CatHead_Black TeaserCatHead_Black Cursors
by SK24kFLUFFY BLACK CAT!!! with yellow eyes and cute pink nose and ears! Com...
CatPaw_Tiger TeaserCatPaw_Tiger Cursors
by SK7526Another CatPaw! It's the tiger cat paw! Enjoy!!! [And visit me often~]
CatPaw_Black TeaserCatPaw_Black Cursors
by SK12kThank you for waiting, this is the CatPaw black version! Try out the ...
CatPaw_White TeaserCatPaw_White Cursors
by SK20kIt's a Fluffy white Cat Paw! [With Animations!] No one needs to look ...

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user icon SK registered user on December 22nd 2015

If you want your own custom cursor of animals, Please ask me!
It's free!
But a realistic animal cursor would be difficult for me so please don't expect much! But a small little animal on your desktop would be cool, right? (>w<)b

user icon Acrux registered user on January 13th 2016

most definitely would be cool yes

user icon ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ contributing user on February 11th 2016

Cursors set so cuteeee icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

user icon Anonymous on February 11th 2016

LOl that's only 16% cool

user icon Anonymous on June 1st 2016

Wow, very creative!

user icon Anonymous on October 29th 2020

Strange how the white cat paws dont work, they only send me to the front page :-(

user icon Anonymous on November 3rd 2020

can you do brown cat paws with white furr socks? you know what i mean... please, i will love it!

user icon Anonymous on January 15th 2021

Can you make Wolf paws?
I really love wolves :3 >w<

user icon Anonymous on September 16th 2021

Hi , can you make a german shepherd cursor only one plese

I want kissing cursor also

And i want elsa cursor also

user icon Anonymous on October 14th 2023

you can made a calico cat pls

user icon Anonymous
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Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?