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MapOfMe's profile

View MapOfMe's timeline, last visit on December 3rd 2019

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Welcome to BoomFail's account.

Featured art


Gun Game Cursors (4 cursors)

Released on July 20th 2017 by MapOfMe

Gun cursors and my first set EVER!

Latest art

Gun Game TeaserGun Game Cursors
by MapOfMe6205Gun cursors and my first set EVER!

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Recent comments

user icon 58629 registered user on January 25th 2017

BOOM FAIL icon-image/14481-16x16x32.png image

user icon nibbler forum moderator on February 7th 2017

You don't make cursors nor icons, do you?

You can also insert a bigger smiley using this code:


***** is the icon identifier.

user icon 58629 registered user on February 18th 2017

He doesn't make cursors nor icons. BoomFail is my brother's account, and the reason he has a vampire image for his icon is because he used to be a big fan of vampires. I'm sure he is still alright with it. 8-)

user icon Insane Games registered user on December 17th 2020


@StickyChannel92 where do you put the code??

Do you press ctrl+shift+I and put the code inside your page?

user icon Anonymous
Select background
Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?