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Norther's profile

View Norther's timeline, last visit on April 30th 2023

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I'm a 26 year old queer trans cartoonist living in Connecticut.
I work my day job teaching kindergarten, and love to build and meet with Esperanto groups on Second Life.

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Animated Pointing Thoth Cursors (3 cursors)

Released on January 18th 2019 by Norther

Whether for devotional research to look up new kemetic rituals, surfing the web with some history buff flair, or taking part in a willful act of heresy by programming all the computers in your Catholic school to use this cursor knowing very well that not a single one of the elderly, practically Christ-Predating nuns will have any idea how to change back- This cursor set works as wonderful and fun little tribute to everyone\'s favorite beaky deity, and who knows- maybe it\'ll evoke the linguistic mastery of Thoth\'s wisdom into your own writing.

Now Go Forth, Scribe, for the divine glory in the name of the Lord of Scripture!

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Animated Pointing Thoth TeaserAnimated Pointing Thoth Cursors
by Norther84Whether for devotional research to look up new kemetic rituals, surfi...

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