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View devilcat's timeline, last visit on September 19th 2018

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i like drawing stuff :-)

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Cartoonish Cursors (9 cursors)

Released on June 17th 2018 by devilcat

Hey, this is my first cursor set that i made with heads i usually draw for fun. Hope you like it!

I will maybe make another set soon.


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Rainbow TeaserRainbow Cursors
by devilcat2309Hello again! Sorry for the short set. Iv'e spent more time on this on...
Castle Crashers TeaserCastle Crashers Cursors
by devilcat757Hello once again. This is another pack of mine about a game called Ca...
Serious Sam TeaserSerious Sam Cursors
by devilcat538Hello again! Iv'e made another cursor set based on the game Serious S...
Cartoonish TeaserCartoonish Cursors
by devilcat237Hey, this is my first cursor set that i made with heads i usually dra...

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user icon Anonymous on June 9th 2021


user icon Atomic registered user on March 1st 2022

Could you please do more of the rainbow outline cursors? I really like them and I am not a good animator. If you have time, please do some of the important cursors like the text one and the arrows. I wish you good luck, whatever you do!

user icon Anonymous
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I wish there were...