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View fewfre's timeline, last visit on March 22nd 2021

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Hello! I like to create and modify cursors for non commercial use. You can modify, change cursors etc as you wish without attribution from me UNLESS the artist I am modifying my art from requests attribution. In that case please provide credit to them! Thank you~

Latest art

Mawaru Penguindrum Anime Character TeaserMawaru Penguindrum Anime Character Cursors
by fewfre1490Based off the hit 2014 anime Mawaru Penguindrum. I really enjoyed thi...
Seahorses TeaserSeahorses Cursors
by fewfre85Seahorse cursors for your sea faring pleasure!
Blue ball python snake TeaserBlue ball python snake Cursors
by fewfre1016Recolor of orig. design by hhhh (http://www.rw-designer.com/user/7583...
Spyro animated TeaserSpyro animated Cursors
by fewfre1380Animated Spyro cursors based off multiple games. Cursors are based an...

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Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on April 8th 2021

Love your mawaru penguindrum set!! beautiful art |-)

user icon Anonymous
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
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