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uaeaae's profile

View uaeaae's timeline, last visit on August 23rd 2021

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you can find me on discord: uaeaae#7469

Featured art


Civ V Animated 2 Cursors (16 cursors)

Released on June 13th 2020 by uaeaae

like the last set, but with only the files listed in the pointers below:
normal select: pointer
help: airbomb
background: go to
busy: waiting
precision select: target
text select: edit
handwriting: missile
unavailable: attack
vertical: size v
horizontal: size h
diagonal 1: size diagonal 1
diagonal 2: size diagonal 2
move: move
alternate select: ping
link select: link
location select: found
person select: move citizen

Latest art

Civ V Animated 2 TeaserCiv V Animated 2 Cursors
by uaeaae5546like the last set, but with only the files listed in the pointers bel...
Civ V Animated TeaserCiv V Animated Cursors
by uaeaae2514i have found all of the cursors from the CivV game, it was hard to fi...

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user icon Anonymous on October 4th 2020


user icon Anonymous on April 20th 2024

hola 8-) |-) :-o :-( :-D :-) :-)

user icon Anonymous
What about ICL files?
Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
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