el_tao-le_tao-tao's profile

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el_tao-le_tao-tao's profile

View el_tao-le_tao-tao's timeline, last visit on June 20th 2022

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I make cursors for fun

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Acog TA648-308 Cursors (17 cursors)

Released on August 21st 2021 by el_tao-le_tao-tao

these cursors are based on the Acog TA648-308 reticle

Latest art

Acog Scopes TeaserAcog Scopes Cursors
by el_tao-le_tao-tao356A cursor set that kind of looks like an "Acog" with multiple variatio...
Acog TA648-308 TeaserAcog TA648-308 Cursors
by el_tao-le_tao-tao178these cursors are based on the Acog TA648-308 reticle
smallest windows 10 Teasersmallest windows 10 Cursors
by el_tao-le_tao-tao439the moment i knew that you can make cursors i made this but can't upl...
dont look at me Teaserdont look at me Cursors
by el_tao-le_tao-tao45dont mind me im just a bad cursor set made by a child pls move along

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Recent comments

user icon not used anymore registered user on August 24th 2020

Please, improve your cursors, if you're a kid that is way too new in this, then I don't think you're made for this.

user icon KittyKata12 registered user on August 25th 2020

@Anonymous Heck, even I'm under 13 and I still make good cursors!

user icon eeveelover64 registered user on August 26th 2020

yeah! he makes gr8 cursors

user icon ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ contributing user on May 23rd 2022


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user icon Anonymous
What about ICL files?
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I wish there were...
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