Phantom's profile

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Phantom's profile

View Phantom's timeline, last visit on November 21st 2024

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Phantom's picture
Name:Logan Davis

rsrc/WelcomePhantom.png image

Name: Logan

Age: 18!!!

Cursor_Maker: Yes

Icon_Maker: Yes

Forum topics started: 10

Total forum posts: 123

TOTM contests hosted: 3

Buttons: 4

rsrc/Flux-Smoll.png image
My first render in Blender.(His name is Flµx)

My Best Work
cursor-view/149699.png image
Ruby Cursors

ファントム is known to have a Black flashlight Black flashlight, and a Coral Spray Dispenser Coral Spray Dispenser

Currently Working On

cursor-view/152815-48.png image
Coming Soon
Coming Soon^

Featured art


RGB-ANIMATED Cursors (4 cursors)

Released on January 21st 2021 by Phantom

This is a pack im currently working on and it is hard to so bear with me.

Latest art

Blood-Stone-Demo TeaserBlood-Stone-Demo Cursors
by Phantom1301This is a set il be working on for maybe a week, perfecting it so i c...
Material-3D TeaserMaterial-3D Cursors
by Phantom515This set was modified by me to look "3D". I got this set from R0mKa's...
Yellow-Advanced TeaserYellow-Advanced Cursors
by Phantom1182This cursor set was modified from That Guy's original Blue Advanced C...
Material-Red-3D TeaserMaterial-Red-3D Cursors
by Phantom390This set of cursors is from Bobcat. I just modified this one to look ...
Caribbean TeaserCaribbean Cursors
by Phantom1652This cursor set gives off a "splash" of a feeling! Please enjoy!
Ruby TeaserRuby Cursors
by Phantom592Enjoy this beautiful stone made into cursors.
Where Are The TeaserWhere Are The Cursors
by Phantom59Where are the cursors?
Frostbitten-Green TeaserFrostbitten-Green Cursors
by Phantom1379Remind yourself again how much you hate winter, except in a green sor...
by Phantom8649This is a pack im currently working on and it is hard to so bear with...
-Dimension- Teaser-Dimension- Cursors
by Phantom722This is a cool pack made by [| Josh Meyer] @ I just upl...

Show all icon and cursor sets.

Forum topics, where Phantom participated

Recent comments

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user icon Anonymous on September 7th 2023

hey that's my name too dood

user icon Anonymous on November 6th 2023


whats name?

whats edad?
friend? :-)


user icon BL4CK registered user on January 17th

W phantom :-D :-D :-D :-D

user icon SneakerHead registered user on January 19th

W Logan let's go

user icon Anonymous on March 25th


user icon Anonymous on March 26th

logan cute name

user icon xTikans registered user on May 22nd

Nice pfp logan

user icon Anonymous on October 3rd

Black flashlight

user icon Anonymous on October 28th

Hi Phantom this is Insane Games, my YouTube channel is now ShotzEdits, but I just wanted you to know that I still remember you and you helped me out a lot on this website.

user icon Anonymous on November 23rd

Hi Phantom this is Insane Games, my YouTube channel is now ShotzEdits, but I just wanted you to know that I still remember you and you helped me out a lot on this website TVOKids.

user icon Anonymous
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Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?