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View 000's timeline, last visit on December 25th 2023

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Sonic 3D Punter Cursors (15 cursors)

Released on June 7th 2021 by 000

"Sonic Adventure"

Latest art

000 Teaser000 Cursors
by 00012k
Sonic Mania TeaserSonic Mania Cursors
by 0007302Sonic Mania Cursors, Sprites From "Sprites Resource"
Link TeaserLink Cursors
by 0003433Link Cursors, Sprites From "Sprites Resource" The Legend Zelda: Ocari...
Sora TeaserSora Cursors
by 0001335Sora Cursors, Sprites From "Sprites Resource"
Ichigo TeaserIchigo Cursors
by 0004533Ichigo Cursors, Sprites From "Sprites Resource"
Mega Man X TeaserMega Man X Cursors
by 0003108"Mega Man X Cursors", Sprites from "Sprites Resource"
000 Teaser000 Cursors
by 0001812
000 Teaser000 Cursors
by 0002746
000 Teaser000 Cursors
by 0005014
000 Teaser000 Cursors
by 0005663

Show all icon and cursor sets.

Forum topics, where 000 participated

Recent comments

user icon baller baller chicken dollar registered user on January 12th


user icon Anonymous on January 19th

esta persona esta muerto :-o :-o :-o

user icon Anonymous on March 31st

Love your Jojo's cursor!!

user icon Anonymous on June 21st

Could you create maybe pixel satoru gojou cursor?

user icon nibbler forum moderator on July 23rd

Did his account get hacked or something?

user icon Anonymous on August 17th

amazing :-o 8-)

user icon xTikans registered user on October 10th

Bro, why did u delete most of ur full sets? :-o

user icon Anonymous
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I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?