egarcia1360's profile

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egarcia1360's profile

View egarcia1360's timeline, last visit on September 28th 2018

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Latest art

Custom4: Computer TeaserCustom4: Computer Cursors
by egarcia1360950A full animated set of computer cursors with different animations.
Custom3: Plane TeaserCustom3: Plane Cursors
by egarcia13602888Complete set of grey military-style jet planes and accessories.
Custom2: Guns TeaserCustom2: Guns Cursors
by egarcia13604695Several cursors including guns for each role.
Custom1 TeaserCustom1 Cursors
by egarcia1360334Different shaded cursors with dfferent effects to each one,made with ...

Forum topics, where egarcia1360 participated

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user icon Anonymous
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?