Galactic Nerds's profile

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Galactic Nerds's profile

View Galactic Nerds's timeline, last visit on February 10th 2017

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Galactic Nerds's picture

Hello! My name is Galactic Nerds, as you can tell. I focus on creating cursors based on games. There is a possibility I will upload icons, but don't count on it.

Need a profile picture? I can make a compatible one for you! Just message me then email me a photo of yourself. I will then vectorize it and make it compatible for the website.

I have a steam account along with a Youtube channel, both having the name "Galactic Nerds." I don't think I will upload much to my Youtube, though.

"Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it."

Featured art


Cookie Clicker Cursors (32 cursors)

Released on April 17th 2016 by Galactic Nerds

This cursor set includes designs from the many achievements and upgrades from the game "Cookie Clicker." My favorite one out of the set is Neverclick.

Latest art

Art TeaserArt Icons
by Galactic Nerds283A bunch of icons I created in Photoshop. This is for TOTM - May
Simcity 5 TeaserSimcity 5 Icons
by Galactic Nerds109This set features some of the icons of the PNG's that appear when hov...
Simple Orange TeaserSimple Orange Cursors
by Galactic Nerds960This is a cursor set with many simple orange designs, along with a da...
Papers, Please TeaserPapers, Please Cursors
by Galactic Nerds1678This cursor set features many designs from the game "Papers, Please."...
Terraria Soul TeaserTerraria Soul Cursors
by Galactic Nerds2946These are gif's of the different souls you obtain in Terraria by defe...
Cursor TeaserCursor Icons
by Galactic Nerds533This icon set includes many of the standard cursor roles. These are g...
Cookie Clicker TeaserCookie Clicker Cursors
by Galactic Nerds1117This cursor set includes designs from the many achievements and upgra...

Forum topics, where Galactic Nerds participated

Recent comments

user icon cdl contributing user on April 22nd 2016

icon-image/10434-128x128x32.png image
Welcome to Real World Graphics!
We all hope you will have tons of fun here and create many wonderful works of art!

Come play with us!
Check out our monthly Theme of the Month contest with Mysterious Prizes!
Everyone that enters wins something!

This blog entry has a few useful links for information in RW:

icon-image/8400-32x32x32.png image

user icon nibbler forum moderator on February 10th 2017

Welcome back, Galactic Nerds! icon-image/14486-16x16x32.png image

user icon 58629 registered user on February 10th 2017

Welcome back Galactic Nerds! You've been gone for a while. icon-image/14468-16x16x32.png image

user icon adrenochromedream registered user on December 3rd 2017

just saying hello

user icon Insane Games registered user on December 15th 2020

How do you make your account name neon?? |-)

user icon Insane Games registered user on January 8th 2021

Don't worry I know how now

user icon Phantom registered user on September 29th 2021

Wow, Its been a while hasn't it

user icon Anonymous
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?