Gamma correction...
Correção de gama ...
Gather information about application performance.
Gaussian (radial) blur
Gaussian blur
Desfoque Gaussiano
Generate a natural, organic looking image.
Gestures - Apply
Gestos - Aplicar
Gestures - Automatic Zoom
Gestos - Zoom Automático
Gestures - Draw Mode
Gestos - modo de desenho
Gestures - Fill Style
Gestos - Estilo de preenchimento
Gestures - Outline
Gestos - esboço
Gestures - Redo
Gestos - Refazer
Gestures - Swap Colors
Gestos - Troca de cores
Gestures - Switch Tool
Gestos - Ferramenta Chave
Gestures - Undo
Gestos - Desfazer
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Vá até à última pasta visita
Go up one level
Subir um nível
Gradient steps including first and last:
Image editors, Image viewers, Icons & cursors, 3D graphics editors, Other applications