Your chance to shape the future
Votre chance de former le futur
Your cursor was uploaded and is available at:
Your help is needed! Yes, yours.
Nous avons besoin de votre aide! Oui,la votre.
Your translation tables are up-to-date.
Vos tables de traduction sont à jour.
Zero-based index of the active tab.
Zoom &in
Zoom avant
Zoom &out
Zoom arrière
Zoom Blur
Zoom and position of the visible part of the image will be synchronzied using given ID.
Zoom and position will be synchronized with views of the same ID.
Zoom blur
Zoom blur...
Flou de zoom
\\ - Up-left
\nCannot display folder contents. Please select another folder.
animation frames
black and white
Image editors, Image viewers, Icons & cursors, 3D graphics editors, Other applications