Name and icon
Name is displayed before its buttons.
Name of the caterogy this plug-in belongs to.
Name of the default operation.
Name of the item displayed in menu or toolbar. Multilanguage format is allowed.
اسم المصطلح المعروض فى القائمة او شريط الادوات - تعدد اللغات مسموح
Name of the saved file. Extension will be automatically added unless you enclose the name in double quotes.
الاسم :
Narrow Band X...
Narrow Bands...
Near density:
Nearest pixel
أقرب بكسل
Negative Channel Swap...
Negative Response...
Neighbor Blur
Neil And FannyB
Neon Edges...
Neon Glow...
Image editors, Image viewers, Icons & cursors, 3D graphics editors, Other applications
Find out how Vista icons differ from XP icons.See how RealWorld Icon Editor handles Vista icons.