Show document p&roperties
Mostrar las p&ropiedades del documento
Show frame
Show invalid pixels
Show la&yout name
Mostrar nombre de la com&posición
Show m&enu commands for layout control (for advanced users)
Mostrar comandos de m&enú para controlar la composición (usuarios avanzados)
Show or hide the "%s" panel.
Show or hide the status bar.
Muestra u oculta la barra de estado.
Show or hide this toolbar.
Show the final image in the raster editor.
Show thumbnails
Shrink or stretch image by changing the number of pixels.
Shrink or stretch image.
Shrink selection
Similar colors
Colores similares
Simple bevel
Simple flood fill
Simple select
Simple selec.
Simplified controls
Single pixel|Square 3x3|Square 5x5|Circle 3x3|Circle 5x5|Diamond 5x5|Diagonal 3px|Diagonal 5px|
Six-pointed star
Image editors, Image viewers, Icons & cursors, 3D graphics editors, Other applications