Shadow size:
Tamany d'ombra:
Shape fill mode
Mode d'emplenament de figura
Shape fill mode controls how shapes are filled and if outline is drawn.
El mode d'emplenat de figura controla cóm s'emplenen les figures i si se'n dibuixa el contorn.
Shape filling
Emplenament de figura
Shape is filled using pattern from the selected image file.
Shape is filled using selected pattern combining primary and secondary colors.
Shape source:
Figura font:
Shapes will be filled with solid color or brush.
Sharp joins between lines.
Sharp shadow
Ombra dura
Sharpen image
Shift Down
Shift Hue
Shift Left
Shift Right
Shift Up
Shift hue of every pixel by given angle.
Image editors, Image viewers, Icons & cursors, 3D graphics editors, Other applications