App-View: Custom Toolbar
App-View: Status Bar
Application &options...
Application web page.
Programmets webbsida.
Apply a bilinear or a perspective transformation.
Apply all
Applicera alla
Apply an selected modifier on region defined by "%s" tool.
Aktivera en vald förändring på en region som anges av "%s"-verktyg.
Apply gamma correction to the whole image or to current selection.
Apply gamma-correction to compensate for non-linear display properties.
Apply gaussian blur on current mask.
Arbitrary Rotation
Arbitrary coordinates
Valfria coordinater
Arrow Down
Pil ned
Arrow Left
Pil vänster
Arrow Right
Pil höger
Arrow Up
Pil upp
Arrow direction
Pil riktining
Arrow head size
Pil huvudstorlek
Arrow tail size
Pil svans storlek
Image editors, Image viewers, Icons & cursors, 3D graphics editors, Other applications