Structure - Select Root
Structure - Tree
Struktuur- Puu
Style ID
Style config
Subtle style
Sunken shape
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Toeta rakenduse edasiaretust annetusega.
Swap colors
Vaheta värvid
Swap positions of layers.
Vaheta kihi asetust.
Swap primary and secondary colors used for image editing.
Vaheta esmased ja teisesed värvid pildi toimetis.
Swap the colors.
Swatch with default and custom colors
Proovi algsete ja omade värvidega
Swatch with last used colors
Proovi viimati kasutatud värvidega
Switch to this layout.
Switch to this zoom factor.
TGA Image
TGA image files
Tab Count
Tabs - Controller
Image editors, Image viewers, Icons & cursors, 3D graphics editors, Other applications