Width of the target image. Height is automatically computed to maintain original aspect ratio.
Largura da imagem de destino. Altura é calculado automaticamente para manter a proporção original.
Wind direction
Wind intensity
Window caption
Legenda da janela
Window height
Window layout
Window painting
Pintura de janela
Window width
Windows colors
Windows resizes all cursors to %ix%i pixels.
Windows resizes all cursors to 32x32 pixels.
Wizard toolbar
Working in background
X coordinate of a transformed point.
X coordenar de um ponto de transformação.
Y coordinate of a transformed point.
Coordenada Y de um ponto de transformação.
Your chance to shape the future
Your cursor was uploaded and is available at:
Your help is needed! Yes, yours.
Image editors, Image viewers, Icons & cursors, 3D graphics editors, Other applications