Determines the sharpness of the shadow. It is recommended to use sharper shadow for small images and less sharp for big ones.
Diagonal cross
Diagonal medium
Diagonal resize /
Diagonal resize \\
Diagonal small
Dialog caption:
Diameter or size of the bounding box of the painted pattern.
Diamond gradient
Dimensions: %ix%i pixels
해상도: %ix%i 픽셀
Direction for blurring.
Direction of parallel light rays shining on the height map.
Direction of the arrow. Left-handed people would like to pick the right-facing arrow.
화살표 방향. 왼손잡이인 사람들은 오른쪽으로 향한 걸 좋아하겠지
Direction of the folds.
Disable &automatic updates
자동 업데이트 끄기(&a)
Image editors, Image viewers, Icons & cursors, 3D graphics editors, Other applications