Make the canvas large enough for the rotated image.
Man'o'war fractal
Manage Custom Presets
Manage File Associations
Manage Layouts
Manage Windows shell associations
Manage custom presets
Manage database
Mandelbrot set
Manually entered part-ID
Manually set coordinates of the clicked control handle.
Mark all available items or objects as selected.
Mask ID:
Mask from opacity
Matches pixels with similar alpha value (opacity/transparency).
Matches pixels with similar brightness.
Matches pixels with similar hues.
Matches pixels with similar values in red, green, blue and alpha channels.
Matching files:
Maximum color value. Recommended values are 1 (the native HDR range), 100 (percent range), or 255 (classic 8-bit color).
Image editors, Image viewers, Icons & cursors, 3D graphics editors, Other applications