Radius for smoothing in pixels. Makes the beveled shape round.
Radius of the rounded corners. If set to 0, the corners are sharp.
Radius of the shadow in pixels.
Random color
Randomly change the brush size.
Randomly rotate the brush shape.
Raster Editor - Configure Gestures
Raster Editor - Custom Presets
Raster Editor - Draw Mode
Raster Editor - Drawing Tool Command Line
Raster Editor - Edit Tool Properties
Raster Editor - Edit Tools
Raster Editor - Fill Style
Raster Editor - Fill Style Properties
Raster Editor - Finish Drawing
Raster Editor - Grid
Raster Editor - Image Composition
Raster Editor - Swap Colors
Raster Editor - Window Rendering
Raster Image
Image editors, Image viewers, Icons & cursors, 3D graphics editors, Other applications