Quality of the compressed image. Usefull range is from 5 to 95.
Quit the application; prompts to save document if modified.
Salir de la Aplicacion; antes guardar el documento modificado.
R&emove border...
Eliminar Bordes
RLE compression
RNG seed:
Radial Blur
Radial blur
Radial blur...
Radial gradient
Gradiente radial
Radius for smoothing in pixels. Makes the beveled shape round.
Radio para el alisado en píxeles. Hace que la forma redonda biselado.
Radius of the shadow in pixels.
Radio de la sombra en píxeles.
Random color
Raster Editor - Configure Gestures
Raster Editor - Custom Presets
Raster Editor - Draw Mode
Raster Editor - Drawing Tool Command Line
Image editors, Image viewers, Icons & cursors, 3D graphics editors, Other applications