Look from Z axis
Look on the object from above.
Look on the object from below.
Lossless Mode
Lossless mode:
Tryb bezstratny:
Love it!
Lubię to!
Lower bound
Dolna granica
Lower left X
Lewy dolny X
Lower left Y
Lewy dolny Y
Lower left corner:
Dolny lewy róg:
Lower right X
Prawy dolny X
Lower right Y
Prawy dolny Y
Lower right corner:
Dolny prawy róg:
M&ultiple undo steps
Cofanie wielokrotne
MV's Plugins
Mac Binary icon (.bin)
Mac ICNS File
Mac ICNS files
Mac ICNS icon (.icns)
Mac Icon
Image editors, Image viewers, Icons & cursors, 3D graphics editors, Other applications