Nr. | Original expression | Translated expression | ||
201 | <default> | <默认> | ||
202 | <enter variable description> | |||
203 | <enter variable name> | |||
204 | <ilk çalışmam > | |||
205 | <ilk çalışmam> | |||
206 | <name> | |||
207 | <none> | |||
208 | <not set> | <未设置> | ||
209 | <option 0>|<option 1>|<option 2>... | |||
210 | <sample_name> | |||
211 | A Vista icon contains all XP formats and also a 256x256 image format. Ensure that your source image is big enough (>1000 pixels if shadow effect is enabled, or >256 pixels if it is disabled). | |||
212 | A XP icon contains 16x16, 32x32, and 48x48 pixels images in 4, 8, and 32 bits color depths. | |||
213 | A computer icon is a set of images having different sizes and color depths. Each image may be different - optimized for given conditions. | 一个计算机图标是一个具有不同大小和颜色深度的图像集。每一个图像可能不相同-根据给定的条件做了优化。 | ||
214 | A constant used when evaluating the fractals (except Mandelbrot set). Change the value by clicking in the square or by entering numbers directly. | |||
215 | A method for serialization of an image into a file. | 将图像序列化为一个文件的方法。 | ||
216 | A numeric language identifier of the icon resource. | |||
217 | A raster image is a rectangular area of dots called pixels. A picture is created by assigning each dot a color using various drawing tools. All photographs and most pictures found on the web are in fact raster images. | 光栅图像是一个由称作“像素”的点组成的矩形区域。通过使用各种绘图工具为每个点分配颜色来创建图片。在网上找到的所有照片和大多数图片实际上都是光栅图像。 | ||
218 | A rectangle can be moved, scaled in X and Y directions and rotated. | 矩形可被移动,在 X 轴与 Y 轴方向缩放并旋转。 | ||
219 | A rectangle can be turn into arbitrary convex quadrangle as if it were rotated in 3D space and projected back using perspective projection. | 矩形可以转换为任意凸四边形,就好像在三维空间内旋转并使用透视投影一样投射回来。 | ||
220 | A rectangular NURBS surface with selected degree and additional control points. |