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Mosaic Tiles...
Motion Blur
Motion blur...
Mouse &wheel:
Mouse gesture
Mouse gestures...
Gestos de rato...
Move camera sideways
Move camera straight
Move component by the defined distance in X, Y, and Z directions.
Move layer down
Mover camada para baixo
Move layer up
Mover camada para cima
Move point or select
Move snapshot down
Move snapshot up
Move the dragged layer up or down.
Move the slider to modify a single color channel of the current color.
Mova o controle deslizante para modificar um canal de cor única da cor atual.
Move the slider to the left to soften the image, to the right to sharpen it. If the slider is in the center, no effect is applied.
Image editors, Image viewers, Icons & cursors, 3D graphics editors, Other applications