Frame count: %i
Frame time:
Frames: %i
Free Art (copyleft)
From back
Desde Atras
From current selection
From screen pixel
Desde pixel de la pantalla
GIF Image
GIF image files
GUI Script
GUI type
Tipo GUI
Gamma Correction
Corregir Gama
Gamma correction value assumed when no color profile is assigned to an image.
Valor de corrección gamma asumido cuando no existe un perfil de color se asigna a una imagen.
Gamma correction...
Corrección gamma ...
Gaussian (radial) blur
Gaussian blur
Generate a natural, organic looking image.
Generate new, parallel tangents for the vertex.
Image editors, Image viewers, Icons & cursors, 3D graphics editors, Other applications
Find out how Vista icons differ from XP icons.See how RealWorld Icon Editor handles Vista icons.