AAA Frames
AAA Options...
AARRGGBB value of a color used as a primary color with styles that do not define their own colors.
AARRGGBB value of a color used as a secondary color with styles that do not define their own colors.
AFH Beveler 2.0a...
AFH Beveler 2.0b...
AFH Beveler 2.0c...
AFH Beveler...
About RealWorld Paint
About RealWorld Paint.COM
Absolute path to the image to use as watermark.
Absolute size
Absolute size:
Astrattore ...
Accelerating Daisies...
Accelerating Glass...
Accented Edges...
Image editors, Image viewers, Icons & cursors, 3D graphics editors, Other applications
Find out how Vista icons differ from XP icons.See how RealWorld Icon Editor handles Vista icons.