Goodbye (2018-01-05 17:01:12):
nice! cdl (2018-02-11 03:31:08):
New addition to the TOTM Contest Rules.
Unknown author (2018-02-25 17:57:46):
Nice blog! @cdl Bob the builder (2018-03-01 18:46:08):
ima join this contest cdl (2018-03-08 10:55:51):
New addition to the TOTM Contest Rules.
cdl (2018-03-08 11:28:22):
Unknown author (2018-07-15 10:47:09):
For TOTM, is it ok to use a photo from something that says "public domain" or "free stock photos" ? cdl (2018-07-28 23:49:41):
Public domain and stock image usage is currently not permitted. Please read the TOTM Rules before posting questions. "All work must be original and created by you." TyranicalRex (2018-09-03 16:51:56):
What is the September 2018 TOTM Contest? I missed the August one somehow, I fact I thought TOTM was gone I couldn't find it. cdl (2018-09-05 21:54:33):
When I am late you get an extra week on the submission date. (September's deadline is October 07 rather than September 30.)
TyranicalRex (2018-09-11 15:00:40):
Ok, Thanks! cdl (2018-10-14 05:32:34):
October 2018 TOTM Contest Winner! Congratulations! Nikentomolog (2018-10-21 16:32:05):
i am joining TOTM contest cdl (2018-11-02 15:54:18):
That was supposed to read: September 2018TyranicalRex (2018-12-05 22:47:28):
Yeah Thanks! I changed my name almost immediately after, but it's still cool. Also, I never got the Mystery Prize though, I don't mean to be rude or anything, but did you just forget or something? Can we possibly have a "winners page" or "participants page" or something where we show all the people who entered, a link to their set and what place they got (probably just 1st - 3rd, I mean, who wants to spend all night deciding between number 32 and number 33 when there is no real prize for it besides entering) cdl (2018-12-15 14:22:07):
Sirea has been so generous as to donate her time and energy, and Mysterious Presents to the TOTM Contest for more than 5 years. You stated that almost immediately after I posted on October 14th you changed your screen name. In addition you received a prize pm from me that informed you that Sirea would be sending the Mystery Prize and if you did not hear from her within a week's time that you should contact her and I provided a link to her profile page in RW. Perhaps you never got the Mystery Prize because you failed to follow these simple instructions. ___________________________________________ There will be no TOTM Contest in 2019. TyranicalRex (2019-03-06 17:50:11):
I did contact her. Also, I am sad to hear there will be no TOTM Contest in 2019. But thank you for being so devoted and giving of your time to make it possible for these years! ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-05-13 06:12:10):