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View Nikentomolog's timeline, last visit on February 3rd 2025

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Name:Nick Beroshvili

Hi! My name is Nick! I enjoy creating cursors so much. at first, i created them on another website, but i found Real world Cursor Editor much more comfortable.

I am active on twitter, and i usually post Fortnite-Related stuff. Link:

Featured art


Fortnite - Ragnarok Cursors (43 cursors)

Released on August 7th 2018 by Nikentomolog

So, i made Ragnarok set as JManGames requested. There are much more cursors than i usually do. some of them have tail, some don't.

Cursor - shaped blue magical crystals are protected with spiky armour.

+ there are two types of handwriting cursors.

I could not make hand - shaped link select cursor, so i had to recolor normal select. At first i wanted to make smooth animation, but i though that flickering one is better.

Please write in comments if you find any mistakes.

Enjoy! ;-)

Latest art

Random normal selects pack 3 TeaserRandom normal selects pack 3 Cursors
by Nikentomolog1423After a long time of missing, i'm back. I had no idea for certain cur...
Fortnite - Ember TeaserFortnite - Ember Cursors
by Nikentomolog2644The set made to fit Ember outfit (Especially the Cinder glider) from ...
Nikentomolog Rainbow TeaserNikentomolog Rainbow Cursors
by Nikentomolog2936This set includes black cursors with rainbow-colored animated lines (...
Fortnite - Trog TeaserFortnite - Trog Cursors
by Nikentomolog1355This is a cursor set designed to fit Trog outfit from Fortnite Season...
Kevin the Cube TeaserKevin the Cube Cursors
by Nikentomolog5505This set includes static cursors, with fortnite cube runes around the...
Christmas TeaserChristmas Cursors
by Nikentomolog1807As christmas is today in my country, i decided to wait a bit and uplo...
Doom TeaserDoom Cursors
by Nikentomolog2575This is my first full set that is NOT inspired by Fortnite. This was ...
Random normal select 2 TeaserRandom normal select 2 Cursors
by Nikentomolog1522So, as i promised, i made set of cursors that are not included in any...
Fortnite - Dusk TeaserFortnite - Dusk Cursors
by Nikentomolog2234This set includes ugly, but creepy cursors. they are all made for Dus...
Fortnite - Dj Yonder TeaserFortnite - Dj Yonder Cursors
by Nikentomolog1430At first, i am sorry that normal and link selects don't fit the set. ...

Show all icon and cursor sets.

Forum topics, where Nikentomolog participated

Recent comments

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user icon Anonymous on February 20th 2019

your a legen of the legens bro. ;-)

user icon Ryry registered user on March 4th 2019

ive been waiting 4 u all my life mwahahHA

user icon NASA registered user on May 31st 2019

hello you like my cursors

user icon Vlazteron registered user on November 9th 2019

Thanks for the spray!

user icon Nikentomolog registered user on March 13th 2020

I'm still alive btw. just lost interest in cursors. Stay safe with COVID-19 y'all!

user icon eeveelover64 registered user on March 14th 2020


user icon Anonymous on February 18th 2022

Can you make a Peely cursor :-)

user icon SonicSydneyCursors registered user on June 12th 2022

I remember I used to see your cursors at from a few years ago, I don't use too often when I first discovered this website a few months ago, I can see why you left that website though. ( Besides, your cursors are really good, but I hope things in your life are going very swell and great lately. :-) )

user icon TenZue registered user on February 8th

Different Types of REALWORLD Simple Cursors

user icon TenZue registered user on February 9th
user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background
What about ICL files?