Nikentomolog's blog

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I've been doing a lot since my last cursor set. I just can't make cursors anymore to be honest. Consider my Account dead since i have no idea what set to do next / lost some of my skills. I still do pixel art, but it's Minecraft skins. So yeah, My account is dead, until i come up with another set idea.

Not sure which set to create next. I Lost most of the Toxic cursor files. Guess i'll have to try creating Fortnite Season 9 cursors or simply make a Random cursor pack.

By the way, i am active on Twitter. Link in profile description.

I've been doing a lot of stuff last weeks. That affected my 'cursor career', and i went inactive. Hope to return soon.

Working on Toxic Madness cursors. They're going to be great!

cursor-teaser/nikentomolog-neon-rainbow.png image

Added static versions of cursors to rainbow set.

Trog set Will be finished very soon!

Started making a new set for Fortnite outfit called Trog. set will mostly include static cursors.

cursor-teaser/fortnite-cube.png image

I made fortnite cube cursors! I am currently thinking about what to do next.

I started making fortnite cube rune cursors, but i can't continue because i created them on my bro's computer (I didn't upload them). most cursors have to be same, and it is easier to edit old cursors instead of making new exactly same cursors an then working with them.

cursor-teaser/fortnite.png image

Nikentomolog's blog

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What about ICL files?
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