Erik (2010-12-29 21:05:00 / 4.5 stars):
Funny 4.5/5Davez (2010-12-30 12:31:04):
umbrella-unavailable: Sorry, we're out of umbrellas, but you can pre-order one ^^ JDDellGuy (2010-12-31 04:14:35 / 5 stars):
Very nice. Vlasta (2011-01-01 01:36:13):
I guess I should implement better support for color variants... Unknown author (2011-01-26 19:55:27):
wonderful stuff hey Unknown author (2011-02-09 10:56:30):
goOd... amazing... he he he... JDDellGuy (2011-04-06 07:18:45):
My sister loves these cursors. I customized her new Windows 7 Laptop with a pink login screen, pink wallpaper slideshow, pink user profile picture- all I needed was pink cursors and yours here were the best. They were a hit. Thanks for the design! Sirea (2011-09-03 20:45:39 / 5 stars):
Dobry napad.. zkusila bych i jine barevne kombinace. Jinak komentare na radek za odmenu neni moc dobry napad, pomerne me to deprimuje. Prosim smazat. Ricon (2011-09-25 17:41:59 / 5 stars):
I might have not told everybody this but I speak Czech. To jsou velmi dobré kurzory , pokračujte v dobré práci ! Tails the fox (2011-10-31 18:39:27):
you get cdl (2011-11-04 06:10:47 / 4.5 stars):
I like pink.. Unknown author (2012-02-03 00:40:07):
Thanks!! I am currently using this <3 Vojife (2012-03-04 13:06:31 / 5 stars):
Cool, I'll edit it to another color (for myself ofcourse) and 'll use it. =) AmberZen (2012-08-22 02:50:15 / 4.5 stars):
nice work. DragoZeroOne (2013-05-28 17:07:35 / 4.5 stars):
Cute Ludwig (2013-11-11 17:51:34 / 5 stars):
nice! The Male Boss (2015-05-17 21:04:49):
these are good but it a shame there earenbt multi coulerd because on ecour just plain the graphics are still good though NomiShy&Meh300 (2015-08-03 19:02:42):
AWESOME!!! TyranicalRex (2018-09-03 16:54:14 / 5 stars):
Good Job! Unknown author (2020-10-22 05:00:12):
WoW So AmAzIng i love it 5/5 stars RIDDLER (2021-04-21 20:15:58 / 5 stars):
Nice. I would like you to add more icons to Icon Composer: ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-05-04 05:12:54 / 5 stars):
Yeah i know that felling about finish something out of temporate haha
i love pink color umbrella-busy.ani have good night Unknown author (2023-01-29 23:22:44):
Is it possible to make an animated cursor not to loop? Like I want to use the 'umbrella-opening.ani' as 'Link Select' but I don't want it looping. I want it to stop on 4th frame. Do you think that's possible with rw cursor editor? Unknown author (2023-12-13 06:35:14):
love Unknown author (2024-08-01 12:36:40):
noice |