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Davez's profile

View Davez's timeline, last visit on March 10th 2021

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I'm Davez, I'm 18-years old and I like the programs of RealWorld!
Things I like:
-Creating cursors and icons
-Being outside

Featured art


Blue Glow Cursors (15 cursors)

Released on March 6th 2011 by Davez

Yes, I know. This is my fourth Glow Cursor Set, and also my last. But this one is, according to my friends, the best one I've made. Well, enjoy!

Latest art

Blah TeaserBlah Cursors
by Davez469My newest cursor set, that I've made in the past time. I've been away...
Garry's Mod Letters TeaserGarry's Mod Letters Icons
by Davez1756This is a letter set I created before I had the Icon editor. I made i...
Microsoft Office (R) TeaserMicrosoft Office (R) Icons
by Davez934These icons are meant for Microsoft Office applications, such as Word...
Blue Glow TeaserBlue Glow Cursors
by Davez1125Yes, I know. This is my fourth Glow Cursor Set, and also my last. But...
Dark Red Glow TeaserDark Red Glow Cursors
by Davez1930Edit of Red Glow Set. This one has golden edges and a deeper colour r...
Red Glow TeaserRed Glow Cursors
by Davez1027The Red Glow Cursor Set! (also in green)
Green Glow TeaserGreen Glow Cursors
by Davez2026Green Glow Cursors!!!!
Dragon Scimitar TeaserDragon Scimitar Cursors
by Davez8999Dragon Scimitar set. Includes all items!

Forum topics, where Davez participated

Recent comments

user icon Davez registered user on December 1st 2010

After the Green Glow Cursor Set, there's another one out!
At this moment:
-Green Glow Cursor Set
-Red Glow Cursor Set(NEW!)
-Dragon Scimitar Set

user icon Vlasta site administrator on December 1st 2010

Great :-) !

BTW there is now the ability to blog or micro-blog (click on Edit above in the Contact card), you can use it to post these announcements, info about your plans etc. and have it published on the home page.

user icon Davez registered user on December 2nd 2010

Ok thanks :-)

user icon Davez registered user on January 8th 2011

Well, I'm trying to make some new cursors, but cannot find some inspiration :-(

user icon Tails the fox registered user on February 25th 2011

love them :-D

user icon hot mamma12 registered user on April 16th 2011

at least yalla arnt cussing i went to a diff blog and it was horrible lol

user icon Moniman registered user on May 31st 2011

Thank you for the rating!!figured the high frame might be annoying, but I wanted to make something that had more changes than one movement. If i could make something that would be always different to look at for a half hour, I would.

user icon Davez registered user on June 12th 2011

@hot mamma12,
I didn't know there were people who cursed in their blogs :-(

Haha that's a lot of work and a REALLY, REALLY BIG file :-D

user icon Tails the fox registered user on October 19th 2011

icon-image/4631-16x16x32.png image

user icon mini kim kardashion xxxx registered user on January 18th 2013

love them xxxx ;-)

user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
Select background
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?