Anonymous (2011-01-04 23:48:41):
Please Don't recolor these cursors. Anonymous (2011-01-09 21:30:28):
here they are Unknown author (2011-01-11 21:25:06):
lol? Anonymous (2011-01-12 04:58:09):
Old Linux Cursors Unknown author (2011-01-22 16:10:05):
good cursors, i like it! Anonymous (2011-02-14 09:07:44):
thanks Unknown author (2011-05-03 17:16:23):
ftw? link and resizes need fixing Unknown author (2015-10-06 05:07:25):
The yellow arrows are not very well drawn or it's me? Unknown author (2015-11-19 13:45:15):
HI COOL PICER ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2016-09-17 22:51:04 / 5 stars):
super Some's cursors are off hotspot Unknown author (2017-02-08 19:38:25):
Goodbye (2017-06-26 20:00:34 / 2.5 stars):
look like macbook with cursor ;-; Unknown author (2017-09-15 21:29:51):
cool in cursus KittyKata12 (2019-04-09 22:26:20 / 0.5 stars):
Unknown author (2020-07-06 16:00:44):
;-; ; - ; Unknown author (2020-08-30 10:57:55):
good, i like it. pianist // miyuki (2021-05-08 15:56:17):
I NO LIKE IT Unknown author (2021-06-13 04:33:04):
ew Unknown author (2021-06-24 05:11:24):
looks like a penis sucked ♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-10-14 11:09:59 / 0.5 stars):
I don't like them 0.5 the link select one is disgusting looks like a ball of snot. worst Unknown author (2021-10-27 01:08:19):
oh god stop the hate plz Unknown author (2022-02-12 22:05:08):
very very cool is so good stop hate on it Unknown author (2022-02-27 16:58:36):
0.5 out of 5 stars. Unknown author (2022-03-23 19:34:28):
Why does it look like a penis which has just got sucked (Talking about the link select btw) Unknown author (2022-03-29 08:12:16):
what link,and is realy ugly Deez (2022-03-31 14:45:05 / 0.5 stars):
weird af Unknown author (2022-08-14 00:13:23):
Like wtf it looks like its smaller than a micropenis Unknown author (2022-10-01 17:19:10):
pp jokes Unknown author (2023-05-04 03:00:29):
that bad wtf Unknown author (2023-06-28 16:32:45):
WHAT THE HELL IS THE LINK SELECT??? LMAFOOOOO Unknown author (2023-11-08 05:47:09):
Looks like dsl But needs work for Link Select Unknown author (2024-02-21 11:39:56):
dog trash Unknown author (2024-10-29 14:26:02):