Unknown author (2011-03-07 19:48:38):
THE BEST Unknown author (2011-03-28 17:06:26):
amazing but can't download them!! help! Unknown author (2011-06-28 02:47:13):
Omg there so good i love twilight i would love it if they got more jojois74 (2011-09-07 23:21:22 / 1 stars):
Did you just take the picture and put it on? It doesn't look like you actually drew these. Or did you? If so, I suggest you make more! (Even though I don't like Twilight) jojois74 (2011-09-20 23:48:15):
It looks like you just put the picture on, though. Unknown author (2011-11-12 19:57:27):
LOL you took these from http://cursors-4u.com Sorry here are the links http://www.cursors-4u.com/cursor/2009/02/20/twilight-bella-swan-and-edward-cullen.html Unknown author (2012-02-01 12:48:23):
OMG!!!!!!!! Unknown author (2012-08-14 02:34:43):
thank you for these:) Unknown author (2013-08-27 17:20:04):
i love twillight mutia232 (2013-10-23 15:18:33):
oh my god!!!!!!!!! Unknown author (2015-10-10 04:28:52):
help pls Unknown author (2017-09-07 09:53:40):
khaalmhmd (2017-09-07 09:56:21):
cloelius (2020-04-20 13:16:46 / 1 stars):
They're too blocky and it's an incomplete set. I suggest you cut the faces out and remove the background better. Have all of the face in in stead of it getting cut off on the edge. |