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cloelius's profile

View cloelius's timeline, last visit on July 28th 2022

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I like making projects on the Computer.
I use and it's cursor plugin for my cursors.

Featured art


Wizardry Cursors (15 cursors)

Released on April 17th 2020 by cloelius

I just decided to complete my previous wizard set so that it would actually display.
So I made more wizard cursors. I hope you enjoy, and feedback is appreciated!
Cursorbro101 made a Gandalf cursor set based off of this:

Latest art

Battleship TeaserBattleship Cursors
by cloelius261This cursor sets theme is the board game battleship by Milton Bradley...
Wizardry TeaserWizardry Cursors
by cloelius458I just decided to complete my previous wizard set so that it would ac...
Magic Wizard TeaserMagic Wizard Cursors
by cloelius378I wanted to make a wizard cursor. He performs animated magic spells d...

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I wish there were...
What about ICL files?