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stefanotinaglia99 (2011-02-25 15:38:49):

8-) cool

Daniel W. (2011-02-26 01:15:29 / 0.5 stars):

Yeah, cool, except you didn't make them so don't claim them.

JDDellGuy (2011-02-26 07:00:05):

Wow, following the link Daniel W., it appears that these may be copied from someone who copied them! Check out sixasis' comment on that link that you posted.

stefanotinaglia99 (2011-02-26 14:21:27):

this opera is my!!!

stefanotinaglia99 (2011-02-26 14:26:57):

Thanks Daniel

stefanotinaglia99 (2011-02-26 14:30:14):

ok JDDellGuy

DYLZA (2011-02-28 08:29:33 / 4 stars):

I've seen this someway else...

Unknown author (2011-03-15 07:14:36):

Awesome except there is no normal cursor! :-(

Unknown author (2011-03-21 02:09:08):


Unknown author (2011-03-21 21:22:15):

There is a normal cursor, just type in normal cursor

stefanotinaglia99 (2011-04-05 21:35:00):

there are all normal cursors ;-)

Unknown author (2011-04-07 22:27:57):


Unknown author (2011-07-26 00:58:45):

like the cursors

Unknown author (2011-09-21 22:22:46):

copycat |-)

Unknown author (2011-10-04 14:42:42):

the bottom right is normal select |-)

Ricon (2011-11-03 02:41:28 / 4 stars):

I wonder if you copied it.

Ricon (2011-11-11 23:52:39):

No you didn't.

Unknown author (2012-01-02 23:34:52):

I want P2, P3, and P4's glove, please. ;-) P1 is good too, but I need P2, P3, and P4...

hxlimhxlim88 (2012-02-22 07:21:35 / 3.5 stars):

Yes,it's good-looking but not the designs
with only some random-designed it would look good.If you would
spend some time doing other changes....

NEOC (2012-03-16 21:53:03):

Deception T-T
I really thinked that this would be very better.

Matias0211 (2012-03-17 20:54:17 / 4 stars):

Muy buenos jajajajajaja me hace acordar a esas noches de vicio en la casa de mi primo con el Mario Party jajajaja que juegaso :-). Están muy buenos! :-) y se asemejan demasiado a los cursores de la wii ! :P

Unknown author (2012-10-21 03:58:14):

These cursors make my computer look like a Wii

Spyro (2013-07-26 13:33:52):

U COpyed Of someone else

Unknown author (2013-12-16 14:08:46):

good :-D

Unknown author (2014-12-10 09:50:42):

gg :-)

Unknown author (2016-12-27 03:30:41):

:-( This is stolen from DeviantArt guys. Look up "Wii Cursors" and give the REAL thing merits.

Unknown author (2017-11-25 00:50:46):


Unknown author (2018-03-25 16:33:19):

Nice. :-)

Unknown author (2018-05-29 02:47:59):

I would have loved having a text select cursor.

Unknown author (2018-08-24 18:16:25):

You copied them from another person.

And made it better.

Unknown author (2018-08-29 12:32:10):

cool :-D

Mario Gamer 223 (2019-01-25 00:58:47):


Unknown author (2019-01-28 18:22:03):

idc if you copied. Thank you kanye, very cool

Unknown author (2019-02-08 22:44:24):

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Unknown author (2019-04-11 19:45:57):

:-( actually theres no other types of them, i gotta make them myself

Unknown author (2019-04-15 20:52:50):


Unknown author (2019-09-23 16:47:26):

you made them better! :-D

Unknown author (2020-01-20 20:31:17):

there's no non-ccw version of the default one, but overall its great if you flip the reversed wii remote

Unknown author (2020-02-26 00:29:36):

;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

Unknown author (2020-03-05 00:34:05):

It made my Windows XP computer look cool! Thanks!

Unknown author (2020-03-06 23:33:01):

hey, i wanna know if: there is a way/program to make that when you click it changes the cursor. that exists? ignoring that, i wanna say that they are very cool :-D

Unknown author (2020-03-22 12:09:52):

best thing ever i still own a wii in 2020 and im so surprised that this exists i could not download it from the original but i know this place for a while so ye!!

Unknown author (2020-04-08 01:24:11):

how to download and have a Wii cursor

why :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Unknown author (2020-05-20 00:32:59):


Unknown author (2020-06-23 05:32:58):

Ayye, it looks good!

Unknown author (2020-06-23 16:38:45):

im in love with these cursors!, keep up the good work

Unknown author (2020-07-07 03:33:14):

is it real

Unknown author (2020-10-05 19:34:08):

used it for years, it is poggers

Unknown author (2020-10-13 23:01:36):

Cool ! 8-)

Unknown author (2020-10-16 03:50:50):

make america great again

Unknown author (2020-11-17 17:15:58):

nah i'm cool

Unknown author (2020-12-10 19:24:00):

who is here in 2020

Unknown author (2020-12-15 19:49:33):

I like it

Unknown author (2020-12-15 23:06:01):

ive used this for soo long lol i love it

Unknown author (2021-02-04 11:15:17):


Unknown author (2021-02-13 14:12:51):

where is the wii u!!!!! :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Unknown author (2021-02-17 14:47:24):
Unknown author (2021-02-24 01:52:10):

I made a custom background to go with the cursor. It looks so authentic.

Unknown author (2021-03-03 16:51:54):

here in 2021

Unknown author (2021-03-08 08:37:25):

whoever said wii u, are you brain dead?

Unknown author (2021-03-10 14:21:00):

2037 gang msg me on discord Cataclysnn#2527

Unknown author (2021-03-21 16:38:16):

for memes

Unknown author (2021-03-25 09:36:42):

SUS (Amogus)

Unknown author (2021-04-05 20:49:20):

^^^^ Sussus Amogus

Unknown author (2021-04-18 05:58:05):


Unknown author (2021-05-10 07:55:47):

wiindows 10 be like

Unknown author (2021-05-10 10:44:08):


Unknown author (2021-05-11 21:15:24):

s h e sh

Unknown author (2021-05-17 06:35:56):


Unknown author (2021-05-25 19:58:37):

why 2 peepz is posting sus amogus

Unknown author (2021-05-26 15:41:30):

ur mom thats why

Daniel4 (2021-05-29 08:32:55 / 3.5 stars):

These look perfect!

Unknown author (2021-05-29 22:36:23):

does it include the .inf file?

Unknown author (2021-06-10 11:57:17):


Unknown author (2021-06-16 07:11:21):

haha cock 11

Unknown author (2021-06-18 09:57:23):


when the imposter is sus !

Unknown author (2021-06-18 10:34:47):


Unknown author (2021-07-07 17:54:56):


Unknown author (2021-07-28 08:12:49):

these look awesome i even made my desktop like the wii menu :-D

Unknown author (2021-07-29 02:15:15):

bruh can you stop saying random memes on the internet its annoying

Unknown author (2021-08-14 19:29:50):

big chungus? 8-)

Unknown author (2021-08-18 23:47:55):

caraca pinga indiota

Unknown author (2021-08-24 11:26:10):

this doesn't include the .inf file sadly, so you have to manually install each cursor into the mouse properties

Unknown author (2021-09-21 10:27:04):

very nice this is ahhhh very nice

Unknown author (2021-09-21 14:04:07):

me when the impostor baka sus granny is sus :-o

Unknown author (2021-09-21 21:38:45):

I like it :-)

Unknown author (2021-10-04 03:54:23):

DCDC rd4 deed 4

Unknown author (2021-10-14 19:25:17):

I m chipoko mon (Penis Monsters)

Unknown author (2021-10-31 06:32:18):


Unknown author (2021-11-05 00:10:08):


Unknown author (2021-11-06 11:23:30):

that should do it!

Unknown author (2021-11-19 02:30:23):

how does this even work (new to using custom cursors)

SuperArturo64 (2021-11-20 23:33:39):

thats dope! i like it lol

Unknown author (2021-12-06 04:09:59):

Nice 8-)

Unknown author (2021-12-22 22:07:51):

among us sussy baka mouse wii imposter caught in 4k acting sus on wii :-o

Unknown author (2021-12-24 06:40:40):

Cool is like Wii

Unknown author (2021-12-28 13:15:31):

hello, i wanted asking, how open this wii cursors for using it please ?? Have a Good Day

Unknown author (2021-12-28 19:38:53):

Oh no finnaly I've knowd how to download the wii cursors tysm !!!! <333

Unknown author (2021-12-29 18:38:34):

THERE WAS ONE THAT WAS IN 2007 :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Unknown author (2022-01-11 01:50:57):


Unknown author (2022-01-23 21:31:23):

this is awesome!! :-D

Unknown author (2022-02-23 04:59:42):

this is sick as 8-)

Unknown author (2022-03-25 19:11:03):


its good

Unknown author (2022-03-29 19:01:54):

i love this site :-) :-D

Unknown author (2022-04-15 01:22:58):


Unknown author (2022-04-26 06:17:55):


Unknown author (2022-04-27 19:07:17):

2023 it well be something

Unknown author (2022-05-20 01:15:09):

yuhh get into itt
:-) :-D :-o 8-) |-) ;-) ;-)

Unknown author (2022-06-04 14:43:41):

i love it 8-)

Unknown author (2022-06-20 06:08:53):

mantep anjir

Unknown author (2022-06-23 12:18:44):

Nice 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2022-06-23 22:14:59):

is there one for player two?

Unknown author (2022-07-13 16:56:32):

SUS :-o :-o :-D :-( :-( :-o :-D :-) ;-)

Unknown author (2022-07-31 02:01:13):


Unknown author (2022-08-05 13:24:22):


Unknown author (2022-08-11 19:06:56):


Unknown author (2022-08-18 21:41:48):

so good! 8-)

Unknown author (2022-09-01 22:37:54):

ermmmm what the scallop???? #anontwt

Unknown author (2022-09-11 21:03:13):

nice ;-)

Unknown author (2022-09-14 13:31:19):


Unknown author (2022-09-15 00:19:59):

ayuda como instalo mouse esque no puedo customisarlo

Unknown author (2022-09-17 18:48:30):


Unknown author (2022-09-23 19:33:50):

I like that buddy 8-)

Unknown author (2022-10-01 04:06:24):

8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2022-10-16 16:12:16):


Unknown author (2022-10-19 15:53:54):

no es tan todos los cursores

Unknown author (2022-10-24 20:02:45):

Reminds me of the good ol' days of gaming. Thank you :-)

Unknown author (2022-10-25 20:46:10):

yayayayayayayayayayayayay idk if real so u meay die

Unknown author (2022-11-13 17:27:12):

i love this! i love this like i love my wii 8-)

Unknown author (2022-11-17 10:15:26):

it reminds at yor mothers pussy

Unknown author (2022-11-26 04:25:12):


Unknown author (2022-12-08 13:51:21):


Unknown author (2022-12-20 03:35:28):


Unknown author (2022-12-24 15:04:18):

i need this sooo bad i have to figure out how it works >///<

Unknown author (2022-12-30 20:22:38):

esta bastante bien, le falta el de escribr, per por lo demás , esta perfecto 10/10

Unknown author (2023-01-01 07:13:54):

Nah this comments are weird, but the coursor is fire. I've been using it ever since I got my first laptop. 10/10

Unknown author (2023-01-08 16:51:54):


Unknown author (2023-01-10 23:39:02):

This is so good :-D

Unknown author (2023-01-25 00:15:24):

What's up guys welcome back your mom!!!!!!1

Unknown author (2023-01-26 09:22:32):

i love children

Unknown author (2023-01-27 17:35:14):


Creeper (2023-01-31 17:23:22 / 5 stars):

8-) Can you add downloads for Chromebooks?

Unknown author (2023-02-05 21:50:05):


Unknown author (2023-02-10 01:53:47):

nigga |-)

Unknown author (2023-02-11 22:51:03):


Unknown author (2023-02-19 18:42:03):



Unknown author (2023-02-23 01:12:45):

bruh racist

i will call a moderator if you keep saying the n word

Unknown author (2023-02-24 11:33:03):


Unknown author (2023-02-27 13:55:16):

balls 2 electric boogaloo

Unknown author (2023-03-19 16:38:57):

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) <-- me when using WII CURSOR set

Unknown author (2023-03-23 23:44:22):

i shit myself

Unknown author (2023-03-27 08:20:26):


Unknown author (2023-03-27 23:23:20):

shit mother fucker

Unknown author (2023-03-28 21:50:01):

nig ger

Unknown author (2023-03-29 00:16:46):


Unknown author (2023-03-31 18:57:43):

:-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( STOP CURSING

Unknown author (2023-04-03 00:26:53):

what is happening?

Unknown author (2023-04-10 00:52:58):

nigar dog

Unknown author (2023-04-10 05:53:36):

nigga :-o

Unknown author (2023-04-14 14:33:29):


Unknown author (2023-04-16 16:28:58):

Bad words are mean!!! :-( :-( :-(

Unknown author (2023-04-17 20:11:38):

poop hahahhaha

Unknown author (2023-04-18 23:26:37):

Most of the times, the comment sections are really toxic and stuff...

Unknown author (2023-04-19 17:09:09):

true tho

Unknown author (2023-04-20 22:09:03):

nigga lol 8-)

Unknown author (2023-04-21 14:51:31):

Its a me super mario on the ps4

Unknown author (2023-04-22 03:26:33):

What is this comment section

Unknown author (2023-04-23 01:06:53):


Unknown author (2023-04-26 18:12:05):

didnt expect to see the N-word here lol

Unknown author (2023-04-28 19:54:07):

8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2023-05-03 06:07:16):

The move in directions/text entry not being available is a bit of a bummer

Unknown author (2023-05-05 04:15:12):


Unknown author (2023-05-05 16:32:27):

nigga pack 8-)

kaaskroket is nigga

8-) 8-) 8-)

dit bericht werd medemogelijk door de nigga squad

Unknown author (2023-05-12 20:19:25):

;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) chiitty wok :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) chitty beef :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( are you serious right neow bro

Unknown author (2023-05-12 21:24:19):

chitty wok can i help you take an order prease

Unknown author (2023-05-15 16:11:04):

It's a me super Luigi on the Xbox 1 WAHOOOOOOOOOOO

Unknown author (2023-05-19 14:30:35):

:-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o owo

Unknown author (2023-05-19 14:31:59):

miaauuuuu uwu :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D



Unknown author (2023-05-24 07:26:48):

lmao 8-)

cool asf. |-) :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Unknown author (2023-05-26 16:52:33):


Unknown author (2023-05-28 00:03:58):


Unknown author (2023-06-03 03:30:25):


Unknown author (2023-06-05 03:12:04):

Gay Anal Sex

Unknown author (2023-06-14 20:48:26):

everyone in this comment section is 8 years old or younger

Unknown author (2023-06-18 04:50:30):

wish they had some arrow ones for changing the sizes of windows

Unknown author (2023-06-28 20:47:04):

yall are childish as fuc

Unknown author (2023-06-28 23:59:46):

this site kind of nostalgic also a resize tool would be amazing

Unknown author (2023-07-04 18:20:53):


Unknown author (2023-07-06 19:16:01):

These are amazing thank you!!!!!

Unknown author (2023-07-08 20:11:30):

Gay Anal Sex (2)

Unknown author (2023-07-09 03:46:26):

Gay Anal Sex (3)

Unknown author (2023-07-09 03:49:07):


Unknown author (2023-07-11 19:51:37):

Gay Anal Sex (4)

Unknown author (2023-07-12 16:57:43):


Unknown author (2023-07-12 19:21:27):


Unknown author (2023-07-23 01:47:09):

very cool thanks!!!

Unknown author (2023-07-30 01:10:50):


Unknown author (2023-08-09 03:02:03):

Gay Anal Sex (5)

Unknown author (2023-08-12 19:01:45):

Gay Anal Sex (6)

Unknown author (2023-08-14 15:11:38):

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2023-08-14 22:45:53):

juggling them balls in my mouth deepthroat circus

Unknown author (2023-08-16 15:48:13):


Unknown author (2023-08-17 20:05:34):

Wtf there 6 sus thing in this comment

Unknown author (2023-08-18 16:34:27):

big penis dick

Unknown author (2023-08-19 18:02:47):

wii is honey videogame and cursor is legal

onde que eu boto o open wii?

Unknown author (2023-08-20 08:20:56):


Unknown author (2023-08-21 14:25:23):

ayo shut the f**k cringe kid u better get yo dirty ass up like deadass DEADASS shut yo cringe ass the f**k like wtf btich motherf**k 5 old kid you sus thing is just c4inge fake as the love of ur mom and dad shut yo lil ass up like wha
t the hell btichf**k shut the f**k cuz i gonna get you sex word so u can stop be cringe

and shut you sexist comments gay as f**k up

like jesus chirst

Unknown author (2023-08-25 22:48:47):

hey ericcccc, actually suck my donkey balls 8-) . im talking donkey tip to donkey shaft slurp down to downtown poundtown with your sus ass. you'd prob milk a donkey like a cow ;-) . hoe ass :-o :-o

Unknown author (2023-08-25 23:09:48):

don't care + didn't ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe cope harder + hoes mad + basic + skill issue + ratio + you fell off + the audacity + triggered + any askers + redpilled + get a life + ok and? + cringe + touch grass + donowalled + not based + your're a (insert stereotype) + not funny didn't laugh + you're* + grammar issue + go outside + get good + reported + ad hominem + GG! + ur mom + stop projecting :-o

Unknown author (2023-08-30 13:29:49):

Nigga what?

Unknown author (2023-09-01 07:48:19):


Unknown author (2023-09-03 06:59:48):


Unknown author (2023-09-04 22:24:44):

good cursor do recommend for a fan of the wii

Unknown author (2023-09-06 17:33:31):

someone cooked here

Unknown author (2023-09-09 21:19:22):

rapaz ;-) 8-)

Unknown author (2023-09-17 01:11:26):

video game 8-)

Unknown author (2023-09-17 18:19:39):


Unknown author (2023-09-17 22:50:18):


Unknown author (2023-09-19 13:40:00):

Hi :-)

Unknown author (2023-09-19 22:45:48):

Well i have this on my comuputer.

Unknown author (2023-09-20 04:43:22):


Unknown author (2023-09-29 18:39:42):

hur får man den på datorn?

jag listade ut ;-)

Unknown author (2023-09-30 06:16:35):

Thanks, Tuckcedo on tiktok for showing me this.

Unknown author (2023-09-30 09:27:11):

stank u smelly much

Unknown author (2023-10-06 05:04:36):

yayyy it looksss sooooo goood reminds me of the back dayss :))))) ;-) ;-) ;-) :-) :-) :-)

Unknown author (2023-10-19 22:20:05):


Unknown author (2023-10-21 16:53:54):

I love the Wii, to bad it’s going to be a Wii U because my dang Wii is old. :-(

Unknown author (2023-10-26 15:30:46):

oh my lord this is amazing ! great work homie. love them.

Unknown author (2023-10-26 17:15:08):

It reminds me of when I was young

Unknown author (2023-10-29 07:08:05):

Relly Cool For People Who Are Fans Of The Wii :-D

Unknown author (2023-10-29 09:14:23):

this is wii incredible |-)

Unknown author (2023-11-13 01:43:19):


Unknown author (2023-11-21 22:28:26):


Unknown author (2023-11-27 14:21:45):


Unknown author (2023-11-28 02:42:03):

This is not the owner but.

If you guys want to see a menu about it to then here it is


Unknown author (2023-12-12 19:38:27):

Soo c00l, t00 bad it took my wife away :-(

Unknown author (2023-12-26 11:58:49):


Unknown author (2024-01-07 00:45:49):

i h8 niggas, i h8 niggas, i h8 niggas, i love maro cart wee doe

Unknown author (2024-01-07 02:37:55):

absolute fire

Unknown author (2024-01-08 15:26:58):

:-D yes yes very wii

Unknown author (2024-01-09 03:12:26):

Approved *thumbs up*

Unknown author (2024-01-09 19:11:16):

:-D good

Unknown author (2024-01-24 20:58:50):

2 farts

Unknown author (2024-01-25 01:24:51):


Unknown author (2024-02-03 21:09:14):

how i put it in linux mint please help me

Unknown author (2024-02-05 00:09:12):

nigga fucken

Unknown author (2024-02-07 22:37:01):

i love bbls

Unknown author (2024-02-08 21:17:23):

You don't

anon  3
Unknown author (2024-02-28 01:28:02):



very good


Unknown author (2024-03-02 02:21:02):

I like wii

Unknown author (2024-03-07 19:05:05):

idk how to apply

Unknown author (2024-03-14 18:50:18):


Unknown author (2024-03-18 15:58:40):

Wii love this!

Unknown author (2024-03-24 06:28:06):

who want backsh|-)ts...

Unknown author (2024-04-06 00:16:08):

God bless america

Unknown author (2024-04-15 15:25:09):

its amazing i love it

Unknown author (2024-06-05 00:06:18):


Unknown author (2024-06-21 00:38:56):


Unknown author (2024-07-14 19:14:13):

bro these are amazing but im drag and dropping the images not downloading them because this website is not secure.

Unknown author (2024-08-19 13:57:15):

i like :-)

Unknown author (2024-08-28 13:41:28):

is this a virus

Unknown author (2024-08-29 17:36:52):

no :-D

Unknown author (2024-09-21 19:00:25):

I wish there was a Wii U version of this lol

Unknown author (2024-10-21 18:55:26):

i just needed this lol

Unknown author (2024-10-23 01:40:47):

Skibibi Toilet

Unknown author (2024-10-31 23:15:28):

how do i make it grab when i drag something?

Unknown author (2024-11-06 19:29:22):

very cool mouse cursor

izzibusy166 (2024-11-15 22:39:22 / 5 stars):

These are great cursors!
It's just that they're small, but aside from that, It's great!

Go back to article.